

We have a genuine concern for your IRS tax problems and issues. We specialize in providing affordable solutions to individuals and businesses who find themselves in trouble with the IRS. With over 25 years of experience dealing with IRS issues, we have an in-depth knowledge of the collection programs and how to navigate the Internal Revenue Service. This allows us to help you develop a tax strategy to successfully resolve your tax problems.


We are a private firm dedicated to helping you resolve your tax problems. Unlike some of the national firms who aren’t concerned with your financial future, we are. We will provide you with tools to eliminate your Federal and State notices of levy and lien. We will also provide you with expert knowledge, strategies, and skills to help you implement a plan to solve your tax problems.


We understand your current tax situation is delicate and we will help you deal with IRS Notices and Letters before a Revenue Officer shows up at your home or business. Let us represent you before the Internal Revenue Service helping you avoid tax liens and levies and possibly save you thousands of dollars in interest and penalties.

There is nothing quite like the stress of having to deal with the IRS, you don’t have to go through this alone. We can help. The IRS has tax professionals working for them, you should also.

Staff Profile

Michael Cox is an Enrolled Agent licensed to practice before the Internal Revenue Service. As an Enrolled Agent he has earned the privilege of representing taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service by virtue of his 25 years of experience gained as an Internal Revenue Service employee. Enrolled Agents are America’s Tax Experts who are the only federally licensed tax practioners who specialize in taxation.

Michael spent the first 16 years of his career as a Revenue Officer working face to face with taxpayers just like you, conducting interviews and financial analysis to help them resolve complex tax issues and avoid liens and levies. Michael spent the rest of his IRS career as a Supervisory Revenue Officer, Senior Manager for the Automated Collection System Support and Senior Manager for the Centralized Lien Operation which handled lien filings, releases, and customer support for the entire Internal Revenue Service.

Michael has an in-depth knowledge of the collection programs and how to navigate the Internal Revenue Service. He can help you deal with IRS Notices and Letters before a Revenue Officer shows up at your home or business.